Developing social skills

Class routines

  •  Enjoy participating in a story
In this activity each child is a character of a story. First, the teacher will read the story, while the children listen attentively. Then, the roles are distributed and each child will make a different character.
In this way they will develop social skills and teamwork, and also the strengthening to understanding of history.
Another way to get kids involved in the story and enjoy it is interacting with them while the story is told. So, if the teacher says: the snakes are moving across the floor, children crawl by the floor imitating them. With moves, jumps, gestures, etc., children will feel into the story.


  • Greetings and goodbyes
Say good morning, good afternoon, hello and goodbye.
How are you? Fine, thank you.
 To work with the different forms of greeting, as well as to ask "how are you?" and know how to answer correctly, it's very useful to employ songs. If they are attractive and catchy, the kids will learn more easily.

Muffin Songs - Hello (nursery rhyme)
Good Morning Song | Circle Time Song for Children
The Greetings Song

  • Feelings
Express feelings: happy, sad, cross, angry, hungry, frightened, scared, surprised and shy.
In this game we will learn to differentiate and express emotions. First, the teacher shows to only one child a flashcard with an emotion, for example happy. This child has to represent that same emotion with his face or gestures, and show it to a partner. All other children will be in a line, and they will pass the emotion to the mate of the back. The last student in the line will have to identify the emotion that his partner has provided with other flashcard located in the table.
The first flashcard should match with the last.

  • Personal hygiene and health
Understand that sweets cause tooth decay.
Healthy eating and brushing your teeth is very important for health!
First, we show a simple song that explains the importance of brushing your teeth every day. Later, we'll do an activity in which we qualify, in one hand the healthy food and in the other, those that cause tooth decay.
Song: Brush your teeth
  • Behaviour patterns
Promote positive behaviour patterns in the school, in the classroom and in the playground.
For a good behaviour we will use some simple and clear rules. They shall be attached by drawings that represent it and will be located at a specific site, for example, the rule: throw papers in the bin, will be placed on the wall above the bin. So children can learn and remember it more easily.

  • Sharing and participating
To work with children the values ​​of sharing and taking turns we will use the book: "share and take turns".
The literature, especially in very young learners, it's very useful and effective in learning.
  • Showing respect
For people:
Have an appreciation of people who help us in our daily lives.
With this activity we will teach the different people that live in our community and provide different services.
The goal is to match each person with their job. In this way, children can understand how others help us.
For things:
Take care of classroom equipment.
The activity consists of a PowerPoint presentation in which Mr. Wiggles is giving different advices about the use of books to teach children to take care materials.

For the environment:
Show curiosity about the immediate environment.
To make children aware of environmental pollution, we will use a video of a few minutes in which, in addition to explaining how pollution affects to the world, gives some advices to prevent these problems.
This animation is very visual and entertaining so kids will learn while having fun.

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